A Singular Sir
KURBRANT ONE-EYE was King of the World, he challenged all the beasts of air, land and sea to wrestle him down from his throne.
Those who dared invariably failed, and all obeyed this mighty lord – all but Kwýk the Wurm, that is… Kwýk was strong, Kwýk was slimy. Kwýk wanted to teach Old One-Eye a lesson in humility. He slithered up and over the back of the throne, and took hold of the cyclopean king. He spit his poison & hardened his scales. Wrapped himself around the king: he got close enough to stick out his tongue, and tickle One-eyes’ ear. Kurbrant giggled, snorted, then burst out laughing! He laughed for days until all agression and dominance had left him.
From then on Kwýk would return every year to tickle the King and replenish his good humours.
Kurbrant One-Eye is one of the mythical kings featured in the epic Neegenbludde-cycle*.
Neegenbludde-cycle: a collection of epic sagas detailing the earliest times of Bos. 2 other Kings of this epic are the Tweekooningk